Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Orange Peels for Skin | Glowing Face Secrets

Here's a quick explanation on how to make sun-dried orange peel powder at home.
Steps are:- 
To make powdered orange peel, simply save up orange peels from the organic oranges you eat, remove the white fribrous parts on the inside of the peel, and wash them in warm distilled water.

                                               Image result for orange peels
  1. Spread the orange peels on a tray and place them in an area that receives plenty of sunshine. Leave them there until they are thoroughly dried—this usually takes one to two days, but can take up to five in cold, cloudy weather. If you are leaving the orange peels outdoors, cover them with a thin cloth or net for protection against dirt and insects.
  2. Now, without adding any water, crush your peels into a fine powder using a blender, food processor, or mortar and pestle.
  3. Store your sun-dried orange peel powder in an airtight jar.
Image result for orange peels
Orange Peels to Whiten Skin:
 Orange peels work as a natural bleach and can help lighten dark blotches and remove them with time. What’s more, orange peels help lighten suntans and deflect harmful UV rays.
Take care to dilute the orange peel paste when creating a face mask because you don’t want to burn your skin—the peels contain a lot of citric acid.
Tone Your Skin
The abundant vitamin C and anti-oxidants in orange peels prevent your skin from getting too oily or dry. When applied to skin, they also work as a toner, removing dead cells and dirt and tightening pores. Additionally, the calcium in orange peels contributes to anti-oxidant production, which makes dull skin healthy and glowing.
Say "No" to Wrinkles
The powerful anti-oxidants in oranges fight off free radicals that damage healthy skin cells. These free radicals play a significant role in creating wrinkles and sagging cheeks. The significant amount of calcium in orange peels is also very effective for protecting against premature aging of the skin.

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